
Registered Veterinary Technician

Emma Registered Veterinary Technician

Emma has been working in veterinary medicine since 2011 and has had the pleasure of working with a variety of species including cats, dogs, reptiles, birds, zoo animals, farm animals and Canadian wildlife. Growing up, she used to work with all sorts of animals in Switzerland on her great uncle's hobby farm. Her previous job experiences have reinforced her love for animals regardless of species and challenged her to think outside of the box. Emma is a certified cat-friendly professional, a certified rat tickler and is fear-free certified.

In 2019, Emma graduated from the Veterinary Technologist program at St. Lawrence College. Emma is one of the Registered Veterinary Technicians here at Headon Forest Animal Hospital and has several different jobs that are animal related. Emma is an RVT with the OAVT Rabies Response Program and a show manager for a reptile merchandise booth that vends at the Canadian Pet Expo.

Some of Emma's passions include exotic animal medicine, feline medicine, One Health, and working with wildlife/exotics. She loves learning and is continuously pursuing continuing education to keep herself challenged, improving her skills and keeping up with the advancements in veterinary medicine.

When Emma is not working with animals you can find her relaxing with a beverage and a good book, making crafts and spending time in nature. Emma has an Abyssinian cat named Opie and a ball python named Randall that she cares for. She is working on getting her yoga teacher training certification.