Dermatology Services

Therapy to treat the largest organ in your dog or cat's body – their skin.

Constant itching may seem like a small issue when you compare it to everything else that could happen to your loyal companion, but it’s an issue that no cat or dog should endure. Whether it’s a seasonal or chronic itch, your cat or dog should get veterinary attention before it worsens. Before you search the internet for a solution, have one of our expert veterinarians examine their skin.

How will I know if my cat or dog has a skin issue?

In most cases, it will be easy to spot any change in your dog or cat’s coat, skin, or nails. Sometimes the signs can hide in areas you wouldn’t expect, like behind the ears or between the paws. To keep a close eye on your loyal companion’s skin, you can make it a habit to brush their coat. Here are the symptoms we recommend looking out for:

  • Lumps and bumps
  • Rashes, scabs, or scaling
  • Redness of the skin
  • Bald patches
  • Thin fur
  • Itching and scratching
  • Smelly fur
  • Scooting

To schedule an appointment, please call us at 905-332-4014.

What can cause dermatological issues in dogs and cats?

There are various factors that could be causing your pet’s dermatological issues. Their symptoms may be due to the following:

  1. Allergy to certain foods, grass, pollen, dust mites, etc.
  2. Hormonal disorders
  3. Bacterial or yeast infections
  4. Parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites

What tests will be performed on my cat or dog?

Our trained veterinarians will first perform a thorough physical analysis. Based on the symptoms, they can determine what other testing is required. Felines and canines may need bloodwork, urinalysis, skin scraping, culture, or biopsies to diagnose their condition. From there, they will be given medication in the form of topical creams, tablets, medicated shampoos, or a modified diet to treat their symptoms.

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