Veterinary Exam

Regular wellness exams provide updates on your pet's growth and overall health status.

We are recommended to have a doctor’s checkup every year and the same applies to our loyal companions. Cats and dogs tend to age faster, which means their body and health can go through changes very quickly. Veterinary exams are routine checkups to ensure they are in good health.

What happens during a veterinary exam?

We begin a medical assessment by looking at your pet’s eyes, ears, and skin. We also check their cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, and skeletal systems for any abnormalities. We will perform blood and/or urine tests as necessary to check your dog or cat’s kidneys, liver, pancreas, and endocrine system, including the thyroid and adrenal glands. Based on your feline or canine’s condition, we may recommend further diagnostic tests such as radiography (X-rays), endoscopy (internal scoping), ultrasound, or biopsy.

How often should my cat or dog have a veterinary exam?

Adult cats and dogs who are asymptomatic and presumed healthy should have at least one veterinary checkup annually. If your loyal companion has a known illness, your veterinarian will schedule more veterinary exams to monitor their condition. Seniors, as well as puppies and kittens, should have multiple visits throughout the year. Kittens and puppies need three veterinary exams, and senior cats and dogs need two. During these stages of their life, their health becomes more delicate and necessitates careful monitoring. To schedule a veterinary exam for your loyal companion, reach out to us at 905-332-4014.

What will be discussed after the exam?

If our testing reveals a health condition, our team will discuss it in great detail and recommend a treatment plan. Your veterinarian will also discuss creating an immunization plan, parasite control/prevention, and nutrition. We offer various preventive plans for puppies, kittens, adults, and seniors that can keep your feline/canine companion healthy.

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